
Hi Everybody....♥

I'm Miss05 ♥

Well.. be4 I start tellin' u my real name try 2 discover 1st my personality.....In fact I cudn't understand myself...

each time I recognize that I'm so Strange Girl who likes so much bein' alone in her room settin' infront her PC tryin' 2 find an answer 2 her Question...


I tried so many times 2 be so kind with Man bt un4tunately I failed.....

u kno why?....

cuz I can't 4get my 1st Precious Dead Lover....he was everythin' in my life even when I'm Engaged now bt I still Love him so much....

Now Lemme speak 'bout my Only Precious Friend ..whose name is Sir 13.....hhhh......

Is it strange this name?

LOL....well his real name is 3li.....I prefer 2 call him Khoya 3li cuz he's really my Brothr that I Luv him....So,he likes 2 call me Miss05 & I like 2 call him Khoya 3li or Sir 13...

Well I remember our 1st meetin' it was on April 04th,2010 when he sent me a Msg on my Blog on Skyrock that was called Nero-Mariposa

that my Friend Somia told him my real personality...

 He knows who Iam...that was my only Good Thin' that ever happnd in my Life...It's True that I was Afraid that he will go & tell the pple who I'm bt then I discover that he's a real Man who can't hurt any1 especially a Girl like me....4 that time I liked so much he's personality & I liked talkin' with him cuz when I do I feel that I'm so Huppy 4 that Day.....

well,I'm goin' 2 stop talkin' now ....& finish my story l8er....

Enjoy bein' in My WebSite


Ur Sistr

Miss05 ♥







Story of My


I lost somethin'.
A very important part of me.
The worst part is that I probably never had it.
He came in2 my life a cool breeze.
Every1 knows that u can't catch air.
Bt I'm a Fool & yes I tried.
& just when I thought I had him,
he slippd right thru my fingers.
Like Air.
If I close my eyes, I can still feel his Voice in my Ear
Feel his breath ,

I replay that moment every time I blink.
I heard him tell me 2 open my .
I felt him open his. 
& 4 the 1st time in a long time, I felt safe.
Every fear that I had .
Every insecurity vanishd when he told me that he Loved me.
So Soft. So Low. So Gentle. So Real.
The moment magnified, I cud hear the fish swim in the river below.
I cud c the fragment of glass on the moon & everythin' went silent.
So quiet that u cud hear my breathless response.
I wantd 2 cry. I wantd 2 reach up

Bt then like air- it disappeard.
His breathin' got heavy.
I saw flickers in his eyes & within a couple of seconds my world came crashin' down.

His confessions cut me like shrapnel.
& even thou his thoughts hadn't become actions,
I cudn't help bt feel like I had lost him.
It hurts so bad. So bad. He turnd the tables on me 

Made me feel as though I had committd the ultimate crime. 
Wat did I do?

I let him.

He made my Eyes melt.

Made my Ears bleed.
Made my Heart ache.

& just like a cool sudden breeze- he was gone.
He removd a pebble frm my foundation & collapsd the greatest pyramid in Egypt.

& after the dust cleard, & the air had returnd to it's restin' stage.
I was left in ruins.

Like air- I was gone.